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Tatiana Hotere - Creative Talks, Pumphouse Theatre

Tatiana Hotere - Actor and Playwright
Creative Talks from Pumphouse Theatre

Tatiana is a Brazilian born, Auckland based actress, writer, dancer and producer for theatre and screen. She is a graduate of The Actors Program, of the NZ Film Academy, and of South Seas Film and TV School. She also holds a Masters in Creative Writing from AUT.
Skin Hunger, her debut as a playwright and producer, is a semi-autobiographical play about a woman’s roller-coaster journey through “Grief, God and ‘Gasm”, which started life as a 10-minute play as part of The Gary Henderson Writing Course at The PumpHouse.

The full-length version had its first season at Basement Theatre during the 2022 Auckland Fringe Festival earning FRINGE Festival’s Outstanding Actress and Outstanding Writer awards, as well as the PANZ Pitching Award and Outstanding Director and was presented at Q Theatre in February 2023.

The PumpHouse Theatre’s Creative Talks series aims to bring the community together with creatives to discover more about their process and what inspires them.  Each event explores what goes on behind the scenes to create their unique art. There is something for everyone with an interest in the arts and what inspires and drives creativity. 

The event is free with tea and coffee provided.  Booking a seat on The PumpHouse website is recommended due to the limited number of spaces available. 

WHEN: Monday 3 April, 7:00pm
WHERE: The Coal Bunker, Pumphouse Theatre

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