KickArts is a weekly ARTS radio show broadcast LIVE to air on Sunday’s 8 pm - 9.30 pm then available as a podcast to download.
The platform was established in July 2012 as a means of increasing the visibility of the ARTS in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). In February 2020 the ownership of the platform went to the now co-producer/hosts Emma Bishop and Stephen Dallow.
Emma and Stephen kept the show on air during the COVID lockdowns with remote interviews and since returning to the studio have developed the show to include voices from beyond Auckland via live to air phone interviews and pre-recorded Zooms.
Who listens to KickArts?
For some you are:
- ARTS makers and practitioners who listen to the show;
- have come on as guests to promote your projects;
- have had us review your show or book or movie;
perhaps you’re a listener and KickArts fills your home on a Sunday night or KickArts is your choice of listening to download for your drive to work on a Monday morning...
The hosts.
Emma is an award winning arts practitioner with over 30 years experience in all aspects of performance, musical theatre, acting, singing, events and education.
Emma owns a performing arts company StageAntics which offers weekly lessons in five Auckland locations as well as a monthly Theatre Workshop Series in Auckland, and termly workshops in Christchurch and Wellington.
Emma is a strong advocate for the arts sitting on a number of National Associations including Whirmanga: The National ARTS in Education Alliance; Drama NZ; Musical Theatre NZ and is the National Producer of the Junior Theatre Festival NZ and its associated Pilots Programmes.
For 30 years Stephen has run Kids 4 Drama, a drama school with a focus on theatre in education.
Stephen has toured theatre programmes, written several musicals and has directed countless productions.
He is the current Board Chairperson of Marist College, and enjoys giving back to the community having served on school and community boards, festival trust boards and worked for organisations including Dance Therapy NZ.
By day, he brings dramatic flair in his role at Barfoot & Thompson.