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Dirty Work

Indian Ink Theatre Company Presents
An Ode to Joy
Written by Jacob Rajan & Justin Lewis
Directed by Justin Lewis

Following a highly successful 2022 tour of Krishnan’s Dairy, Indian Ink are back on the boards with a joyful comedy that celebrates an unsung hero and tips the modern office on its head. Featuring over twenty people on stage, the fun-filled production that is Dirty Work tours to Auckland, Nelson, Christchurch, Wellington and Tauranga from 16 June – 20 August.

The computers are down and the big boss in India wants the impossible. A hapless middle manager, his unhelpful assistant and their chorus of office workers are making a mess of things. Which isn’t good news for the cleaner. Workplace hierarchies are shattered, class and culture clash and from the chaos emerges a different way to value one another.
Born out of Indian Ink’s collaboration with choral master John Rosser and leading choir Viva Voce, Dirty Work will connect to local communities by presenting a different choir on stage every night. In a toe-tapping twist the choir members don’t get to read the script ahead of the performance. All they know is that they are cubicle-bound office workers taking direction from ‘the boss’. The chaos that unfolds as the story is revealed is experienced by the choir at the same time as the audience, adding to the unbridled joy and hilarity of Dirty Work.
While the highly physical gags centred around modern office culture keep audiences laughing, it is the power and beauty of people harmonising in song that elevates Dirty Work. Featured music includes contemporary hits from Aotearoa, India and a fresh take on classic tunes.

Dirty Work is the eleventh original New Zealand Indian play to be created by Indian Ink co-founders Jacob Rajan and Justin Lewis. Now in its twenty sixth year Indian Ink has extensively toured Aotearoa and the world delivering award-winning and highly inventive productions that blend Western theatrical traditions with Eastern flavours. Their work is heralded for its use of live music, humour, pathos and great storytelling.

Don’t miss this world première that finds joy in the eternal toil of work.

WHEN: 16 June - 2 July, 2023
WHERE: Q Theatre, Auckland

15 June


16 June

Caution Wet Floor