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AFLOAT 20 Years After The Rise: a new musical

AFloat: 20 years after The Rise: a new musical

written by Sammy Hook and Harrison Maxwell

Afloat: 20 years after The Rise is set in a future where a nuclear plant close to Antarctica malfunctioned, resulting in the rapid melting of polar ice caps. 

The event became known as The Rise, as it caused sea levels to obliterate cities and all land is lost to the icy depths. Survivors have created communuties by building habitats on floating debris, coming together to evolve into cities that maintain previous land positions, in the hope that one day the waters will recede. 

Our story takes place around 20 years after The Rise on New Zealand waters, where a floating empire has formed. 
This empire was founded by a woman who is know to the community only as "She".  She has kept her community afloat by enforcing rules of safety, some verging on extreme. 
Aria and Fermata are second-generation survivors and the focus of our story. 

They quickly get caught up in a growing rebellion, frustrated by the restrictions forced upon them, and plot to overthrow She to grant the people of the community their freedom. 

Aria is offered the ultimate choice by She: betray her life-long friend Fermata and be granted the rebels' freedom, or remain loyal and risk everything.

This musical production includes a cast of 17 talented performers and 20 original songs, and will sweep you along by the ebb and flow of Aria and Fermata's journey, cresting waves of their emotional turmoil, as they plunge into the depths of the final act and crash against the shores of your hearts!

28 & 29 June
Playhouse Theatre, Glen Eden

18 June

Prima Facie

29 June

Five go On An Adventure